Wine and Lithium – Real World Lab

About This Project

Wine and Lithium, a corporation for future scenarios ( was an artistic research project from January to December 2023. The project was staged at the interstices of fiction and reality. Five artists created an exploration company to search for petrolithium that derives from oilfield-produced water in the wine region of Lower Austria.

The adapted real-world-lab took place in Prottes, Lower Austria on May 20, 2023.

The project was funded by the Federal Government of Lower Austria (Departments: Art in Public Space, and Science and Research) and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sports, and was hosted by the art association Flechtwerk.


Wine and Lithium – Concept and Lead: Dominika Glogowski

Performers: Nikolaus Gansterer, Dominika Glogowski, Mariella Greil, Peter Kozek and Werner Moebius

Images © Dominika Glogowski, Paul Seipel, 2023
