The Carbon Busters #pre_solstice_banquet

About This Project

The #pre_solstice_banquet was the inauguration event for the new artistsic research project: The Carbon Busters. The event took place at Schlosspark Laxenburg – Haus der Laune on June 15, 2024, with guests from science and the arts. BEST Bioenergy and Sustainable Technology kindly sponsored carbon samples from their laboratories. More to follow in Autumn 2024….

The Carbon Busters is funded by the Federal Government of Lower Austria (Departments: Art in Public Space, and Science and Research), and Weitblick GmbH, and is hosted by the art association Flechtwerk.


Contributions by artists:

Francesca Aldegani #Carbon Handprint

Dominika Glogowski #Soundhelion

Irene Lucas Ferrandez and Robin Foods #Solar Cooking and Fermentation

Mary Magic #Breathing CO2

special guest performance: Tim Collins and Reiko Goto #Hakoto


The Carbon Busters – concept and lead: Dominika Glogowski

Images © Dominika Glogowski, 2024
